June 17 until seats last

Womb School Certification

The Somatic Womb Path

The Somatic Womb Path is a 9-month certification program for healing practitioners who are ready to embody and offer spirit-heart-womb transformation.

Anchored within the deep well of wisdom that is East Asian Medicine, understandings of the nervous system and somatics, this journey invites you into the inner alchemy of somatic womb work through relational healing, and the art of space-holding.

Join us as we feel our way through the slow medicine of the seasons as a pathway back to our bodies and wombs.

June 29th - July 1st

Eco Sensual Training

The Herbal Well Womb & Advocacy Certification for Sensual Beings

Learn how to leverage ancient practices for fertility management with plants and practices, discuss out of clinic abortion care and make space for navigating joyful and plastic-free periods.Share intimate and sensuous time through dance, sacred earth medicine, music and fireside connecting.Create medicines to support psychedelic experiences including preparation, integration and release processes.

July 5th - August 23rd

Mindful Cooking

Transform your relationship with food in 60 days

If you're looking for a new relationship with cooking and food that is fun and exciting and gives you long-term healthy lifestyle shifts, then this may be your most important invitation of the year...

Because on July 5th, 2023, we begin a life-changing 8-week online program with master chef and Author Evan Rilling that could permanently transform your cooking game!

Evan Rilling, author, and founder, has uncovered the fundamental areas to focus on to transform your relationship with food.

The Mindful Cooking program focuses on these 5 pillars in this specific order to optimize your learning experience and support you to TAKE YOUR COOKING TO THE NEXT LEVEL...